Category: Reports and Studies

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Oman’s First Solar Power Plant Lights Up Ferrochrome Industry

Image Source: Times of Oman Sun Power for Sustainable Steel: Shell’s pioneering Qabas solar project in Oman is making waves in the Middle East. This 25-megawatt solar power plant, the first of its kind for the region, is powering a local ferrochrome smelting company, Al Tamman Indsil Ferrochrome (ATIFC). A Win-Win for Industry and Environment: […]
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Nama Power Unveils Prequalified Applicants For Ibri III Solar IPP Project In Oman

Image Source: ECOVIS International Nama Power and Water Procurement Company has unveiled the prequalified applicants for the development of the Ibri III Solar Independent Power Producer (IPP) project, marking a significant step in Oman’s renewable energy ambitions. With a project capacity of 500 MW and an estimated investment of Omani Riyal 155 million, this initiative […]
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Solar Power Blazes Bright in Oman: New Report Unveils Investment Opportunities

Image Source: PV Europe SolarPower Europe’s latest report, “Exploring Solar Investment Opportunities in Oman,” shines a light on the country’s promising solar energy sector. This comprehensive guide is designed to attract international investors and unlock Oman’s full solar potential. Investor’s Guide to Oman’s Sun: The report provides in-depth analysis of Oman’s business environment, economic trends, […]
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Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre Goes Green with Rooftop Solar Power

Image Source: ShareAmerica The Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC) has taken a significant step towards becoming a leader in sustainable event hosting. They have signed an agreement with TotalEnergies Renewables Distributed Generation Middle East & Africa (DG MEA) to install a massive rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system. This 4.6-megawatt-peak (MWp) solar project is expected […]
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Oman unveils sustainable finance framework in green push

Image Source: Oman unveiled late on Wednesday a sustainable finance framework to help the Gulf country reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and attract environmental, social and governance investors. Under the initiative, Oman plans to issue financial instruments like green, social and sustainability bonds as well as loans and sukuk — bonds that comply […]
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Oman targets 11 PPP projects for implementation in 2024

Image Source: Oman Times The Omani government has announced plans to progress the implementation of as many as 11 sizable projects and initiatives under its strategic Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programme during 2024. The projects in question, outlined in the 2024 State Budget, span several sectors, including Transport & Logistics, Health, Education, Agriculture and Fisheries, Construction, […]
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Samsung C&T to set up mega Oman green ammonia project

Image Source: TaiyangNews South Korea’s Samsung C&T Corp. is collaborating with leading multinational companies – Japan’s Marubeni Corporation and Oman’s state-owned energy company OQ – for a large-scale green ammonia project, SalalaH2, in the sultanate, reported The Pulse news portal. A mega project, SalalaH2 aims to produce 1 million tonnes of green ammonia annually within […]
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Oman’s wealth fund invests in US-based EV battery start-up

Image Source: ZAWYA The Oman Investment Authority has invested in US-based electric vehicle battery start-up Our Next Energy (One). Oman’s sovereign wealth fund also signed a strategic co-operation agreement with One to identify potential areas of partnership in energy and battery storage in the sultanate, Oman News Agency reported on Wednesday. The financial value of the transaction was […]
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Oman shows how a fossil fuel producer can embrace clean energy

Image Source: The nature conservancy The country is using its existing energy infrastructure to fast-track its green transition. Ahead of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai later this year, the role of oil and gas-producing economies in the clean energy transition is coming into sharp focus. Ensuring that countries – including those that have relied on oil […]
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