Oman Electricity Transmission Company Achieves Milestones In Grid Station Construction Projects

Oman Electricity Transmission Company Achieves Milestones In Grid Station Construction Projects

Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC), a part of the Nama Group, has achieved significant milestones in its grid station construction projects, emphasizing its commitment to infrastructure development and safety standards.

The completion and activation of the Mahout and Duqm grid stations, along with the ongoing progress of the Jifneen Grid Station, showcase OETC’s dedication to improving Oman’s electricity transmission network.

The Mahout grid station, a 400/33kV facility, has been successfully built and energized with an investment exceeding RO 14 million. This achievement marks a major milestone for OETC, with a remarkable safety record of over 1.7 million safe man-hours. The energization of the Mahout station will enhance the stability and reliability of the electricity supply in Mahout and the surrounding areas, meeting the increasing demands of consumers and businesses.

Additionally, OETC has reached a significant milestone with the energization of the 400/132/33kV Duqm grid station, a project that required an investment of around RO 24 million and achieved a safety record of over 2.5 million safe man-hours. The successful activation of the Duqm grid station will play a crucial role in supporting the economic development of the Duqm Special Economic Zone, meeting the energy needs of various industries and projects in the region.

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Furthermore, OETC is making remarkable progress in constructing the 400kV Jifneen Grid Station, which is currently at an advanced stage. With an investment of over RO 25 million, the project has achieved an impressive progress rate of 98.55%.

OETC’s commitment to safety is commendable, with each project achieving millions of safe man-hours. The company’s focus on safety measures and adherence to strict guidelines has ensured the well-being of its workforce throughout the construction phases.

These outstanding safety records reflect OETC’s dedication to maintaining a safe working environment and safeguarding the welfare of its employees.

OETC’s achievements in completing these grid stations underscore its vital role in Oman’s long-term energy strategy. The company’s ongoing efforts to improve the transmission infrastructure will support the nation’s economic growth, attract investments, and ensure a stable and reliable power supply for all sectors.


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