Study shows solar, wind promising alternatives to fossil fuel in Oman

Study shows solar, wind promising alternatives to fossil fuel in Oman


The research Exploring the potential of solar, tidal, and wind energy resources in Oman using an integrated climatic-socioeconomic approach by principal investigator Dr Mohamed Eldesoky Hereher, assistant professor, Geography Department, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), was awarded in the Energy and Industry field within the PhD category, at the 8th National Research Award organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

This figure illustrates the distribution of priority locations for wind and solar energies in Oman according to the overall assessment indicator (OAI). The value of 0.0 denotes the least priority, while the value of 1.0 refers to the maximum priority.
Image Source: Mohamed Hereher, 2021

According to the results of the study, the most recommended sites for wind generation are located mainly along Al Jazir and Duqm coasts of southeastern Oman, where a promising wind energy centre can be constructed. The best locations for the development of hybrid solar radiation generation centres are in Sohar and Thumrayt, where solar intensity approaches 8.1 kWh/m2, with a high frequency of occurrence throughout the year. In contrast, Oman showed a low potential to generate tidal power, mainly due to a low tidal range.

The main results are described in the paper “Exploring the potential of solar, tidal, and wind energy resources in Oman using an integrated climatic-socioeconomic approach,” published in Renewable Energy. 


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